Christian Share Ministries – Where Faith Meets Health

An alternative to insurance that provides peace of mind, knowing you are part of a group committed to the Biblical principal of sharing one another’s burdens.

Sharing Ministries are not legally considered insurance, but function just like what you’re already used to.

Why Choose A Christian Sharing Ministry?

Besides the cost savings, many people feel that Scripture encourages Christians to support one another and share the costs of medical bills with one another.

1 Corinthians 12:26

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Acts 2:44

And all who believed were together and had all things in common.

What Makes Share Ministries Different?

Christian share ministries are non-profit organizations which became popular as an alternative to the ACA mandates for health insurance, and those who enrolled were exempt from the penalty for not having health insurance. The penalty is no longer in place, but since some of the companies have continued to add more services, many individuals and families still find them a useful alternative to insurance. Share ministries are designed to function in a similar way to major medical, but we use different terms since it’s not insurance.

Monthly Contribution

The monthly contribution (like a premium) of all members are combined together into a pool of funds that are reserved for medical costs. Many people find the monthly contributions up to 50% less than comparable insurance premiums!

Individual Shared Amount

Your Individual Shared Amount (ISA) is comparable to a deductible in insurance. If the ISA on your plan is $2,500, that is the amount you would pay out of pocket before sharing starts. Many people buy supplemental insurance to help cover the ISA.

Shared Medical Costs

After paying your ISA, the cost of covered services is “shared”, meaning the cost is being paid by the pool of funds mentioned above. In other words, if you’ve paid medical costs up to your ISA, then you will not pay anything further for covered medical costs for the remainder of the year.

Christian Sharing Ministries are great for those who prioritize healthy living and do not have chronic health conditions. Unlike many private insurance options, the share ministries we work with will cover pregnancy and childbirth! They are also permanent plans meaning you cannot be kicked off the plan for health conditions that arise after you’re enrolled. Limiting enrollment from those with unhealthy lifestyles helps keep monthly contributions low for everyone!

Since it’s not insurance, they do not ask health questions, but there is a pre-existing condition limitation for the first 24 months of the plan so people with significant health conditions are often advised against sharing ministries.

Christian Share Ministries
Christian Share Ministries

Sharing ministries are not insurance. They are registered non-profit charities and they are not required by law to pay claims from medical conditions associated with lifestyles that contradict their principals. For example, drug and alcohol treatment would not be covered because these are understood to be against the principals of Scriptural living. They also exclude membership for smokers and heavy drinkers. This is why we insist that these programs are great choices for many, but not all! No need to worry about surprises, as the explanation of benefits clearly outlines excluded services. Call for details.

Another great feature is 24/7 FREE telemedicine which is included in every plan. You can talk to a doctor anytime, anywhere without leaving your house. They can even call in prescriptions to your local pharmacy.

Our Top Choice

OneShare Health is our preferred non-profit health sharing ministry to work with. They have a long history of happy members and they have a great rating of almost four and a half stars on Google, which is quite uncommon with insurance companies.

We feel that OneShare Health pays the claims they are supposed to and takes care of their members! They have several plans to choose from, including catastrophic, depending on your budget.

As noted above, the cost of OneShare is often half of the cost of traditional health insurance so it’s certainly worth considering.

Christian Share Ministries